Wood chips in WSM


John Neuser

So I know the sentiment is that chunk wood should be used in the WSM and I get it. Having said that, I came across a bag each of orange chips and peach chips this afternoon. I will be doing a couple of sides of salmon for Father's Day, besides a packer, six racks of ribs and some sausage. Typically, I'd use apple for the salmon but the chips got me thinking. What are your thoughts about making a packet of each using foil? One of each. Soak or not? The salmon is for my daughter in law who we love and I don't want to disappoint her. She loves my smoked salmon. Hope you are all doing well. As always, I am so appreciative of your help. This is a great community.
Foil packs are ok, but they never worked for me, seems the foil would disintegrate when in contact with lit coals.
I was never happy with that so I layered my chips in with the coals like a lasagna.
So I know the sentiment is that chunk wood should be used in the WSM and I get it. Having said that, I came across a bag each of orange chips and peach chips this afternoon. I will be doing a couple of sides of salmon for Father's Day, besides a packer, six racks of ribs and some sausage. Typically, I'd use apple for the salmon but the chips got me thinking. What are your thoughts about making a packet of each using foil? One of each. Soak or not? The salmon is for my daughter in law who we love and I don't want to disappoint her. She loves my smoked salmon. Hope you are all doing well. As always, I am so appreciative of your help. This is a great community.
My golden rule.

Never try something new for guests before you try it yourself first. Stick with what works then experiment and disappoint yourself if it fails. No harm no foul.
I almost exclusively use the Minion or Snake method in my WSM, and I'm not shy about tossing a few wood chips on the unburned charcoal. It won't burn/smolder until the heat gets there, and it allows me to extend the 'smoke' time.
I also have an A-MAZ-IN smoker tray for use with pellets, but haven't found a good place to put that where they won't burn up immediately or go out in 10 minutes. Come to think about it, I've scattered wood pellets among the unburned charcoal too. Not much of an impact, but it makes me feel like I'm trying!
I'd save the chips for the grill. If not, I'd toss a few big handfuls, unsoaked, at the beginning of the cook, and another handful towards the end.
Other then burning up faster , sure, use them...If it was me, I'd mix them into the charcoal instead of on top.
I use chips in my kettle, chunks in my WSM. I will use chunk in the kettle, too, when I'm making wings. I use the Vortex and place one chunk on the cooking grate right over the coals and it works great!

