Thank you Veterans!

My sister posted this on Facebook yesterday

Today we celebrate Veterans Day in honor of those who have served our country.

I want to share this picture and story of my great grandfather who was involved in three wars for three countries.

John left home at 14 and was a cabin boy on a boat to Argentina, he left the boat when it docked and did not return. Several years later at 16 or 17 he boarded and worked on a boat headed to South Africa. While in South Africa he joined the British army *claiming to be 21 and of age to fight* and fought in the Boer War in the cavalry. While fighting this war he had his horse shot out from under him and was almost killed in a stampede planned and executed by the enemy.

John eventually returned home to Nova Scotia, married and had a family that he moved to Boston where my grandfather was born and attended elementary school. At the First World War, since he could not join the American army, he moved his family back to his parents home in Nova Scotia so he could join the Canadian Army to fight.

Again he returned home and moved his family back to Boston where my grandfather continued his schooling. At the outbreak of the Second World War, John was older and had a bad heart but still tried to join the Merchant Marines to support the military at sea. The first time he tried the Dr said no, he had a bad ticker that could go at any time to which John replied, so no skin off your *** if I drop dead, to no avail. When that young Dr was drafted John tried again and was able to join the merchant marines in his late 60's. This time he was on a boat sunk off the coast of North Carolina in Torpedo Alley.

This is the beginning of my family's military service. My great grandfather, Dad, uncle, two brothers and my son have all served. Thank a veteran for their service and please go hear their stories while they are still able to tell them.
My sister posted this on Facebook yesterday

Today we celebrate Veterans Day in honor of those who have served our country.

I want to share this picture and story of my great grandfather who was involved in three wars for three countries.

John left home at 14 and was a cabin boy on a boat to Argentina, he left the boat when it docked and did not return. Several years later at 16 or 17 he boarded and worked on a boat headed to South Africa. While in South Africa he joined the British army *claiming to be 21 and of age to fight* and fought in the Boer War in the cavalry. While fighting this war he had his horse shot out from under him and was almost killed in a stampede planned and executed by the enemy.

John eventually returned home to Nova Scotia, married and had a family that he moved to Boston where my grandfather was born and attended elementary school. At the First World War, since he could not join the American army, he moved his family back to his parents home in Nova Scotia so he could join the Canadian Army to fight.

Again he returned home and moved his family back to Boston where my grandfather continued his schooling. At the outbreak of the Second World War, John was older and had a bad heart but still tried to join the Merchant Marines to support the military at sea. The first time he tried the Dr said no, he had a bad ticker that could go at any time to which John replied, so no skin off your *** if I drop dead, to no avail. When that young Dr was drafted John tried again and was able to join the merchant marines in his late 60's. This time he was on a boat sunk off the coast of North Carolina in Torpedo Alley.

This is the beginning of my family's military service. My great grandfather, Dad, uncle, two brothers and my son have all served. Thank a veteran for their service and please go hear their stories while they are still able to tell them.
That is ****ing incredible. Major, major respect.

