Mouse in the House Part 2


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
The continuing saga of my adventure in getting a mouse out from living under our kitchen stove.

So far the miserable low life egg sucking dog has kept me at bay. He has the uncanny ability to remove food from live mousetraps. I even tried some soft cheese and pushed it down in the holes on the food pad….nope he still got it. I can take a tooth pick and just touch the pad and it trips it, this guy is pro status for sure.

A few nights the creepy sucker was moving around under the counters while Barb and I were watching TV. I got up to see if he was out and about, As I walked into the kitchen he came flying across the kitchen floor heading for the refrigerator on the other side of the kitchen he ran right over my foot and went under the refrigerator. Problem was Whitney our 85 pound rescue pup was in hot pursuit and started to stop but ended up sliding on the tile and almost took me out. That dog was PO. She has been stalking him for over a week also.

So in my infinite wisdom I decided that I would pull the refrigerator out from the wall and see if I could give Whitney a second chance at it. Well it worked he came out from under the refrigerator like an ICBM heading for the dish washer this time. To short a run for the pup to catch him.

That’s the last we saw or heard him two nights ago although he did work up an appetite as he cleaned the cheese off another trap on the counter later in the night.

More to come.

Finally, Last night a little after midnight Barb woke me up and said she heard something snap in the kitchen. I went to have a look and there he was one dead rodent in a mouse trap on the kitchen counter, What I did was added more cheese to the existing dried cheese that was already on the trap and the greedy little sucker tried to get the old cheese too and tripped the trap.

Took almost two weeks to nail that sucker, got to give the critter credit he gave me a real run.
Excellent write-up, Rich. Hope he didn't teach others. 😀

Loved this line: "So far the miserable low life egg sucking dog has kept me at bay."
I have a raccoon that frequents my deck like a house guest. He sits on the chairs and lays on the sofas outside. Saturday he went into the trap around 2am but I hadn't noticed till 10am. We'll the sucker broke out of the trap and damaged it in the process around 9am. Picture of the escaped trespasser.


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