New Life For My Beloved SSP



So, as I've told the story on here several times, I bought a WSK on a $750 discount last year for cyber Monday. I had heard so much about them and I wasn't convinced that it was really better than my trusty redhead SSP and WSM. And, I figured at the deep discounted price I could use it, prove to myself it was overrated, and still sell it for at least what I paid for it.

Well, turns out it's the best grill I've ever known and it's now my flagship. Lol. But, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of my SSP. So, I decided to basically use it as a fire table. A few years ago we had a propane fire table for the back patio.

So, in my mind the SSP would be a great wood burning fire table. It has propane start and when I'm done for the night I can put the lid on and close the vents to exhaust the fire.

Did my first run tonight.




Our ZuZu was assisting with some grate cleanup


Turned out to be a perfect evening here in SE Georgia for a fire.


Couple of things.... It got HOT. Lol. Only melted one endcap because a log was resting on the kettle right next to it. And, I clearly burned off about 20 years of grease from the edges of the bowl. The early part of the fire had the entire bowl burning until it all burned off.

All in all, I'm excited to keep using my SSP and in fact can't rule out some nights just spreading out the coals and tossing the grate on for steaks.
Very nice.
I will be keeping an eye out for a sale like that. I remember when you bought it, I should have jumped in.

