Mayo vs yellow mustard as a binder


John Neuser

Good afternoon fellow smokers. I'm looking for a little advice. In the past, when I do pork butts and briskets, I've used yellow mustard as a binder to hold the spices. Today I saw a video in which mayo was used as the binder on a brisket. Of course, the pit master reported that the end result was fantastic. Fundamentally, it seems to me that using a fat based binder is a good idea. I was wondering of any of you have tried this or use it? Appreciate all thoughts and comments. Thank you. Keep on smokin'.
I use mayo on chicken and turkey all the time. Works great. Bama white sauce (mayo based) is a classic on bbq chicken.

So prolly worth a try on non poultry items. Never done that myself.
Mayo, butter and various cooking oils impart little or no flavor when used as binders, especially on large cuts of meat. All are oil based and act pretty much the same. On a grilled cheese sammich, you're talking about a condiment. Much different than a binder.
Mayo, butter and various cooking oils impart little or no flavor when used as binders, especially on large cuts of meat. All are oil based and act pretty much the same. On a grilled cheese sammich, you're talking about a condiment. Much different than a binder.
Nope, spread the outside of the bread in mayo then pan fry.......usually it's butter but both are oily so it works well.......I wouldn't say it's any better though.
Tried both on various cooks. Really can't tell a difference so we've just stayed with mustard as it seems a little easier to apply.

