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    • T
      TeeJ replied to the thread NIB weber genesis 3.
      Yes, I will definitely post pictures and maybe a video of the unboxing. I am planning on assembling it in the next couple of weeks. I’m...
    • T
      TeeJ replied to the thread NIB weber genesis 3.
      I appreciate all of the feedback, thank you everyone! The hood is red. I actually stumbled upon an original cover for it a week before...
    • T
      TeeJ replied to the thread NIB weber genesis 3.
      Thank you for the feedback everyone. I understand wanting to leave it in the box, this is truly a piece of weber history. But I just...
    • T
      Hello all! My name is TJ and I have been into weber grilling since I was a kid. My dad had a weber genesis while I was growing up and I...
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