Smoke Day 2022 - Baby Backs on the WSM 22


Peter Gallagher

A belated Happy Smoke Day everyone - Chris, congratulations on 18 years - pretty amazing! This year we did baby backs - just a couple of pics:

getting ready to sauce:




...and plated - Served with some mac & cheese, Doris' garlic rolls and a arugula carrot salad which was really good - the first greens of the season of the garden - so yummy....


its sort of a bittersweet Smoke Day this year with the passing of Bob and Cliff - I spotted this guy (Western Tanager) yesterday afternoon and of course thought of Bob and his love of birds - I didn't know Bob that well, but his contribution and impact to the group was pretty obvious. I got to know Cliff fairly well over the years - he was an amazing guy and great cook for all the right reasons.... They are both missed but not forgotten this Smoke Day weekend.

The ribs look amazing and that plate shoot is just wow. I have thought a lot about Cliff and Bob also over this weekend. Pork steaks were on the menu, but got pushed out due to work interference. I want to make them as an honor to Bob here in the near future.

