Mexican Corn Salad



This salad pairs with a great number of main dishes, and the cooking method lends itself to fitting in between other items as they cook on the grill.

6 ears sweet corn, in husk

1/2 cup Salvadorian-style sour cream (my preference - if you want to use Mexican, Honduran, whatever... have at it)
1/4 cup cotija cheese
Juice from 1-2 limes
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1/4 cup chopped cilantro
2 tbsp chopped Mexican oregano (1 tbsp dried)
Chipotle powder
Jalapeño powder
Powdered coriander seed
Powdered cumin seed

Roast corn in husks. Timing isn't critical - anywhere between par-cooked and starting to char is fine.
Remove and let cool until ears can be handled comfortably.
Shuck corn and place back on grill over direct heat, turning regularly, until kernels start to char.
Remove corn from grill and let cool to room temperature or cooler - put in a plastic bag and dunk in an ice bath if you're pressed for time
Cut corn off of cobs and mix with sour cream, cotija cheese, lime juice, and black pepper
Add optional seasonings as desired

