Boudin Stuffed Cornish Game Hen



My local grocery store had Boudin Stuffed Cornish Game Hens and I just had to try grilling one. I used 1 full lit chimney and had 1 layer of unlit in the bottom of the charcoal baskets. I also added a small chuck of Cherry for a little smoke. Dome temp went to 450 then settled to 400 for the rest of the cook, which was a little over an hour. I should have pulled the hen a little sooner as the breast was a little dry, but the rest was still delicious. Since the hen came stuffed from the store, I only added a little "Slap Ya Mama" to the outside for some seasoning. I added foiled wrapped potato for the wife and a sweet potato for me. Since my wife doesn't eat Boudin, I grilled a T-Bone for her. I will definitely grill another one of these Boudin Stuffed Cornish Game Hens in the future.

Boudin Stuffed Cornish Game Hen from local store

On the Grill starting the cook

Off the Grill and a little Charred. Next time I will foil for first 30 minutes to prevent charring.

Sorry I did not get a plate picture or one of the hen cut in half. I was in to much of a hurry to see how it tasted to get a picture.

Thanks for viewing,
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Great job NAR. I have a freezer full of Boudin. I am going to have to give that a try...



