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  1. R

    My workhorse is getting too old?

    My Craigslist refugee which is a blue 18 platinum that I got for $15 is dying. I've done so many offset fires in it that the outside coating on the one side is flaking off. Is there anything that I can do with it? The other problem is that the lid where the handle attaches has rusted through...
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    The coating on my 18 is coming off!

    Just noticed last night that the outer paint coating on the bowl is literally flaking off! AHH!! It was too dark to get a picture and I was busy grilling a steak, so I'll try to get a picture this afternoon. This sucks! The grill is an 18.5 OTG in blue and has been my 'go to' workhorse grill...
  3. R

    If you could have Weber build something...

    what would it be? Or would it be to bring back something that's been discontinued? Possibly some sort of a Smokehouse type of bullet? A Weber stick burner? Some sort of domed cabinet smoker? Russ
  4. R

    Take a break from competing?

    Started looking at the first half of my 2014 competition schedule and realized that I was starting to say no to more and more of them. The excuses were time, money, distance, bad vibe from previous year(s), heat, cold, just general pain in the backside, etc. I was coming up with all sorts of...
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    My first stab at bacon

    Well, I took the plunge into the wonderful world of bacon, and it is wonderful. Should have done it a long time ago. I figured I would do a small piece for my first try so I wouldn't ruin a huge piece if it went wrong. I also used a very simple rub that actually worked out very well. So here...
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    Fun with Infrared (several pics, sorry)

    Ok, so I promised to do this a LOOOONNNNG time ago and completely forgot about it. I actually wanted to do the WSM but rain forced me to do the OTG instead. I'll try it again maybe this weekend to get the WSM during a cook. Did a cook on the 18.5 OTG indirect grilling a steak. As you will see...
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    Orlando Redhead on CL

    Nice looking redhead. Gonna try for it but it's ok if somebody beats me to it. Would rather see this guy saved. Russ
  8. R

    In the market for a charcoal grill....

    So I've been really drooling over that Weber 1487001 Performer Platinum in Brick Red for a while now and I think I'm ready to give myself an early Christmas present. This will be my 7th Weber grill and quite probably my last, so I want to get the very best grill they make. So my only remaining...
  9. R

    CL Score!

    Unbelievable. Been searching around CL for either a SJG or SJP to use on my mini-WSM. Last Friday I find what I THOUGHT was a SJP for $15. Score! Went over Saturday morning and when I walked up to the garage I just about fainted. Couldn't get that cash into that lady's hand fast enough. I...
  10. R

    It's with real sadness...

    that I had to say goodbye to my 22 WSM. It was part of a trade for a Stump's Prince that I need for Comps. Believe it or not I actually felt more like crying for selling the WSM than I did for selling my last boat. I still have the rest of the Weber clan. In fact, I just finished the Mini-WSM...
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    So I'm buying a Stump's Stretch to use at comps and it will live in the trailer. I'll still do chicken on the OTG and of course my SJS will still be my personal grill. I've come to this decision for basically two reasons. One, I just can't keep moving the WSMs back and forth. My back isn't as...
  12. R

    Finally famous (almost)

    Hey, check it out, I'm quasi-famous. Third pic down on the left side. This must have been taken at about 8:30 Saturday morning. I'm getting the chimney going for the OTG that I cook chicken in. It was about 40 degrees out and I was cold. I truly bombed that brisket. My neighbor to my left in...
  13. R

    RO Stockup?

    Found out something interesting this weekend. Was trying to find some RO for a competition down in Fort Pierce and every Wal-Mart within 40 miles was out of stock. I even called my buddy at a nearby store to see if they had any 'stashed' away and he said no. He then told me that they don't order...
  14. R

    Local Newbie Help?

    Over the last several months I've read many instances where newbs have had questions, issues, problems, disasters, etc. for their first or second cook. Most could have been answered (averted) if somebody would have been close by (phone or geographically) to help out. I may be waaaay out there...
  15. R

    Competition from south of Hades

    Wow. Everything that could go wrong, did. First off, I have to say that the contest reps did the very best possible job in spite of the absolutely awful conditions. I don't point any of my issues at them. So I pull up to the contest site early Friday morning looking forward to a really good...
  16. R

    New Cred

    Finally got to attend a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge class this last weekend up in Georgia. It was a LOT of fun and got to meet a whole bunch of really good folks. Our instructor kept it fun and very informative. Many thanks to Stephen (instructor), Alexis (who worked her backside off), all the...
  17. R

    Hey Kevin.....

    I've been doing some reading on the various balances of flavors as they are sensed by tastes and have run into some questions. I'm hoping you can shed some light. Is naturally occuring umami the same or a very close cousin to MSG minus the sodium component? If I were to use bonito flakes...
  18. R

    The new war wagon

    So here it is, the new War Wagon. It's already been on it's maiden voyage about two weeks ago. It's not done yet, I haven't done much of any work up in the cave area as in my mind the kitchen is more important. There's a big storage box on the tongue with dual LP tanks for the 6 gallon hot...
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    Competition Reminder

    So I find that as I get older my mind is becoming less and less like a steel trap and more like a steel funnel. Because I am a one-person team, I have to remember everything. Which is precarious at best. I've tried lists on paper which is fine if I remember to look at it periodicaly. If I get...
  20. R

    WSMs Serious Competition Cookers??

    Something I've noticed over the last several months of competing... The top teams that have competed for a long time will keep the new team at an arms length. By that I mean that they will only talk to you at what I call the 'surface' which they will do for anyone. After they see you at a bunch...

