Search results

  1. J

    Vent Position With Vortex?

    If I'm only cooking 4 to 6 chicken thighs using a vortex on a 22 inch Weber, where do ya'll recommend for the top vent? Over the chicken? Opposite the chicken? Does it matter? Thanks!
  2. J

    Granulated Garlic?

    Whether you're smoking, grilling or griddling, the consensus seems to be to use granulated garlic as opposed to garlic powder. I have searched high and low, but have not found anything labeled "granulated" other than bulk containers that I would not use in my lifetime! Is there such a thing sold...
  3. J

    Snake Method & Smoke

    I've not yet tried the "snake method" for low temp cooking in my kettle, but will be soon, I'm sure. A question though, to you that do it: Don't you get a lot of nasty smoke as the briquets are continuously lighting?
  4. J

    Almost, but,,,,,

    Almost pulled the trigger to buy a new Smokefire. At the last minute, I backed off because I didn't see any way to cook "indirect." There are times when I like a fairly hot grill (400 - 450 degrees) but no fire under the food. Cornish hens would be a good example. So I'm asking all you with...
  5. J

    Why All the Smoke?

    When you start a chimney of charcoal, it smokes like the dickens until it's good and hot. If you dump a chimney into your smoker (or grill) before it's ready, it still smokes like crazy for a while. BUT,,,,,If you "Minion" the start, only the coals first lit smoke much. The rest, as they light...
  6. J

    Why Cook Bacon?

    Just made my first batch of bacon (thanks to Bob Correll and Chris Allingham!) and a question popped into my mind. If the purpose of curing is to inhibit the growth of the nasty stuff, what purpose does cooking to 140º while smoking serve? JimT
  7. J

    Bacon from side pork?

    A local grocer ordered pork belly for me, but when I got it home, it was labeled as side pork, which I'm inclined to believe it truly is. Should I just proceed as if it were belly? Anything to do a little differently? It sure looks like it would make good bacon! Thanks, JimT
  8. J

    Griddle - Cast Iron, or Stainless Steel?

    I recently purchased a large propane fired camp stove, and am now looking for a griddle to use on it. I've found both cast iron and stainless steel models in the size range I'm looking for, but haven't found much in the pro's and con's of either material. I'd sure appreciate anyone's thoughts...
  9. J

    Platinum Side Table?????

    I pick up a used Platinum a while ago, and have used it about half a dozen times. I've noticed that the side table seems to be a real dirt magnet! Everything from food to charcoal dust seems to cling to it, and it's a real pain to clean. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to keep it clean...
  10. J

    cottage Cheese?

    Generally speaking, if a recipe calls for "cottage cheese", is the author referring to small curd or large curd? Thanks, JimT
  11. J

    Too Cold to Cold Smoke?

    I'm thinking of trying to cold smoke some salmon this weekend using a borrowed Little Chief smoker and this set up. I have no idea what the actual temperature at the smoking level (near the top of the box) will be. The weather forecast for my area calls for temperatures only around the...
  12. J

    Weighing Ingredients

    In another post j biesinger wrote: "It'll change the way you cook. I'm converting my recipes into metric weights and it make things faster, more efficient, and easier to scale up and down. When I used to make a batch of my sauce, I'd finish with a pile of dirty measuring spoons, measureing...
  13. J

    What's Your Indirect Set-up?

    I've always used the baskets, and cooked in the middle of the grill. With all the pictures being posted, I hardly ever see this set-up. That said, I'd be interested to hear from all you grillers lots of details about how you do it, and why you do it that way, especially if you have tried...
  14. J

    Corn Flour?

    I've been trying to duplicate a wonderful cornbread we had on recent trip to Memphis, TN. One big issue I'm having is the texture. Their's was more "smooth and velvety" as opposed to "coarse and grainy." I just today, found out there is such a thing as corn flour, and am wondering if maybe...
  15. J

    Help Brining Salmon

    I would like to try the appetizer style salmon that Chris posted in the "Cooking Section", here. The problem is, the recommended brine time is 90 minutes maximum. My timing requires the fish to be in the brine for about nine hours! Is this a possibility if I cut down on the salt? If so, how...
  16. J

    Seasoning New Cast Iron

    The Situation: I just purchased several pieces of Lodge "Pre-Seasoned" cast iron cookware. Everything I've read seems to indicate the seasoning may prevent rust, but it definitely doesn't make a "non-stick" surface. The Plan: I'd like to season it with flaxseed oil as outlined in this link...
  17. J

    The Taste of "Burned" Sugar?

    I've become a convert of higher heat cooking for ribs and brisket. My go to rub is Texas BBQ Rub which seems to have quite a bit of brown sugar. Both meats turn very dark (black) and I'm guessing it is the sugar "burning" at these high heats. What I can't tell, with my unsophisticated palate...
  18. J

    Meat slicer blade question....

    I've had a Chef's Choice model 610 for a while now, which is working well for me. It came with the standard serrated blade. As a belated Christmas present, I just received the "Fine Edge" blade, which I understand helps with very thin slicing. OK, fine. What does that really mean???? I sure...
  19. J

    Jaccard Meat Tenderizer?

    I've been thinking about purchasing one for some time now, but just can't seem to "pull the trigger." I guess I'm just not convinced of their real value, especially since I virtually never marinate any meat. I'd be interested to hear any and all thoughts you good folks might have on this...
  20. J

    Hot Sauce as a marinade?

    I'm thinking about trying some some store bought Mexican hot sauce as a marinade for pork (either chops or country style ribs.) A concern I have is the label lists vinegar as one of the ingredients, and I've heard that could cause the meat to become "mushy" if left too long. Without knowing...

