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  1. Bob Sample

    Rainy Roadside

    Been a long while since I posted anything in here but thought I'd give it a go today after finally figuring out how to post from Flickr instead of photo bucket. My day started out as it usually does these days Untitled by robertssample, on Flickr Was a little wet when it was time to cook but...
  2. Bob Sample

    Another pizza thread

    Been a few pizza threads lately so figured I may as well throw one more out there. I normally go with 2 chimney's of lit around the perimeter but I was low on lump and the pieces were pretty small so I put unlit around the perimeter and then poured a chimney of lit on top. The lid sits on 2 old...
  3. Bob Sample

    How did you get into BBQ

    Hi Donna, A big hello and thank you from north of the border. From your description of the neighbourhood where you grew up it doesn't sound to me like you got your passion for BBQ in the typical grill and smoke in the backyard watching Dad burn burgers way. What got you into to BBQ? Bob
  4. Bob Sample

    Check your brushes

    Never hurts to remind people about potential hazards.
  5. Bob Sample

    The wife came home with a surprise

    Kerry walked in the other day and hands me a package of beef back ribs and says she wasn't sure if they would be good to BBQ but they were on sale so she got them. Ready to go with a bit of rub. Few hours in added some skillet potatoes Normally don't sauce my beef but figured what the...
  6. Bob Sample

    4 weeks of snow melt and some food

    March 25 was my wife's b'day and her sister (the one I like) got her the latest iPad so I inherited the iPad she bought her last year. Since this one has a camera I figured I'd start taking pics of food again. This is what the yard looked like on the 24th Did some pulled pork for the party...
  7. Bob Sample

    Found meat on the porch

    So I came home the other day from the dog park and found a package of meat on my front porch labelled pork ribs cut. Kind of wondered where it came from and threw it in my freezer. Next day I came home from the dog park and found a bottle of home made Cabernet Shiraz on the porch, I was...
  8. Bob Sample

    Whole Hog

    Well some of you know the back story to this post and I'm finally awake enough to complete the tale. I wish I could say all went well but......... We were supposed to be getting 150lb whole hog to be cooked on a spit in a pit on Sunday but late Friday night my SIL forwarded me an email from the...
  9. Bob Sample

    Whole hog advise.

    So I'm lazing around the other day enjoying a couple beverages, playing with my almost new pup in the yard and we're totally minding our own business when out of the blue my SIL calls. Normally I would have ignored the call and just told my wife she called when she got home but something in my...
  10. Bob Sample

    Free sugar maple in the Ottawa area

    Just talked to the guy from Hydro and they want to take down a large sugar maple in my front yard. This tree will provide more wood than I could use in my life so if anyone wants some let me know, it should be coming down in the next week or so. Also if your interested in some birch, has a nice...
  11. Bob Sample

    Almost fell off my chair.

    A few of you may remember that I had a veggie for a wife that I eventually turned into a chickenatarian. For the past year I have been subtly working on my lovely wife to eat pork and have on 3 occasions actually got her to eat ribs. Well she's going away on business for the next week and we...
  12. Bob Sample

    OMG she's eating pork.

    Well as a lot of you may know my better half, Kerry, has been a chickenatarian for quite some time. Before that she was a vegetarian for about 12 years. Well the other night she surprised me and said she was willing to give pork a try again. After I picked my jaw up off the floor and inspected...
  13. Bob Sample

    I'm feeling guilty

    I'm having trouble keeping up with the comments on everbody's great cooking, especially on Sunday and Monday mornings. There are new members that are posting great cooks and the regulars that are doing what they do best( Omg Jim I ran out of adjectives a long time ago to compliment your cooks)...
  14. Bob Sample

    First sausage and backup chicken.

    Finally got around to making homemade sausage for the first time. Made breakfast patties and brats Started with a bone in pork butt Trimmed it up and separated most of the hard fat. Once this was done I threw everything in the freezer including my Kitchenaid grinder and stuffer...
  15. Bob Sample

    A happy kettle

    Last of my cleaning out of the camera. A friend had been lamenting that I hadn't cooked her any ribs all summer and it was her b'day so I decided to treat her. BB on the kettle. Don't they look happy :) I don't usually sauce my ribs but she likes them that way and some chicken for my...
  16. Bob Sample

    Chicken Spiedies

    Only a couple pics. I found the recipe here Didn't have buns or enough chicken but plated in my traditional Minimalist style with some herbed rice Next time I won't use as much vinegar or marinade it as long. Leaves are changing.
  17. Bob Sample

    Pork chops

    Cleaning out the camera again. Herbed potatoes in the CI skillet With some chops. All done. MMMMMMMMMMM where they good It was awhile ago because the leaves hadn't changed yet.
  18. Bob Sample

    BBQ By The Sea New Jersey

    Anyone competing or going there??
  19. Bob Sample

    Naked thighs and ruby toes

    Forgot to take anything out for dinner tonight so I grabbed some thighs from the freezer and tossed some ruby red baby taters in evoo, garlic, pepper and oregano. Tossed it all on the grill. With the heat and lack of rain we had this summer some of my trees are stressed and changing colour...
  20. Bob Sample

    Boneless Skinless Thighs

    Nothing exciting. Marinated some thighs in 1cup of #5 sauce that I watered down with 1/2 cup of cider vinegar. Wedged a russet potato and brushed with evoo,garlic,herb du provence, and sprinkled with salt. I was headed out the back door with the chicken and Kerry says "Your not putting my...

