Recent content by Shaun R

  1. Shaun R


  2. Shaun R

  3. Shaun R

    WTB WSM 18.5 Legs & Door

    In case anyone has extra parts. Please message me.
  4. Shaun R

    I've seen it all now.....

    I see the seller has a special offer for us on the ad!😄
  5. Shaun R

    Brand New Wooden Handled 18.5 WSM

    Did anyone save a photo?
  6. Shaun R

    For Sale: 18.5" avocado green kettle + 1981 black kettle

    Your friend was a real nice guy and it was a pleasure meeting him. Thank you again for the help.
  7. Shaun R

    For Sale: 18.5" avocado green kettle + 1981 black kettle

    Sorry about that! Been out of state and haven't checked back until now. The deal is in the works.
  8. Shaun R

    WTB 18 WSM Lid

    Bummer! I could use the ring, but the shipping may not be worth it. What state are you located in?
  9. Shaun R

    WTB 18 WSM Lid

    If anyone happens to have spare parts especially the lid please message me here. I could also use a bottom bowl and set of legs. Thanks!
  10. Shaun R

    1970's Hastey Bake

    The contestant is thinking "Yeah, I don't want that thing in my yard"!😂
  11. Shaun R

    WTB Cajun Bandit 14.5 WSM Door

    They stopped producing them for the 14.5 and I would like to have one, so if you have one you are willing to part with please message me. Thanks!
  12. Shaun R

    What’s it worth?

    My friend Jim has an 18.5 and may chime in. He can give you a pretty good idea. It's based mainly on condition. Is it a 22 or 18 inch? Post some photos when you get a chance.
  13. Shaun R

    18.5 WSM Charcoal Ring Wanted

    If anyone has an extra one please message me with price. Thanks!
  14. Shaun R

    Smoke Baked WSM Chicken Thighs

    I haven't posted a cook here in years! I recently scored an 18 WSM and rediscovering it using some old and some new techniques. I'll share my set up in a different thread. I just used a basic rub and let the WSM do the work. The Royal Oak lump put out just the right amount of smoke without...
  15. Shaun R

    ChefAlarm 15% off

    Just in time! The numbers on my old Polder faded out after fifteen years.

