Recent content by RichPB (richlife)

  1. RichPB (richlife)

    NIB weber genesis 3

    You could put scrap block of PT lumber under the feet (balance under the wheels) ur use plastic furniture feet (easiest). I've seen these at Lowe's up to 2" wide for under $10.
  2. RichPB (richlife)

    NIB weber genesis 3

    From here, I think covers cause more internal moisture problems than leaving it open uncovered. My 2011 Genny side extensions came with a "bikini" style cover which I definitely prefer. Protection where it can help. And I think it also shows that at least the engineers who developed that...
  3. RichPB (richlife)

    Thighs, Pork Tenderloin and Tacos!

    Nice and thanks for the great idea for queso frite!
  4. RichPB (richlife)

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    " Sorry, but I now tend to use recipes for ideas, not instructions. That was my first bbq Cookbook, and both the info and lots of recipes were attractive. As for The Everything Tex-Mex Cookbook by Linda Larson, I'm now guessing my post about it may have been in Recipes.
  5. RichPB (richlife)

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    I forgot the pic. But this only shows clearly about a quarter of the dog-ears. Maybe limits the usefulness? But I just found so much of interest.
  6. RichPB (richlife)

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    Very good, I agree. But the single most dog-eared book in my collection is his BBQ USA. Followed by The Tex-Mex Cookbook that I described earlier here. The latter is my most used and a key reference. Still available on Amazon.
  7. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Possibly, Joan. But think of all the joyful anticipation you have...
  8. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Hm-m. It sounds like ymay be a candidate for a Kindle device. :)) I also have the app on my laptop, but seldom use it. The Kindle Team ability to keep multiple devices in sync in the right book and page is excellent -- at one point I had four devicerukept in sync: an early Kindle, my...
  9. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    As for new books, I'm off-and-on reading a wonderful book that a friend recently gave me -- The Tar Heels by Ron Smith. It obviously will have limited audience, but for Carolina and ardent basketball fans, this is a wonderful read! Though I have only started, the writing, the basketball...
  10. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    IMO, the Kindle app for any phone is better than the Kindle device. My wife has the Paperwhite (her second Kindle) and, after trying it myself, will not put up with the limitations I encountered. My wife says the phone screen is not large enough which I consider bogus. The ease of use on...
  11. RichPB (richlife)

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    One of the best books to search through.
  12. RichPB (richlife)

    BBQ/Grilling Cookbooks

    Great luck! One of the best.
  13. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    My wife has a Kindle Whitepage (whatever) and I have always used the Kindle app -- previously on a tablet, and now my phone (3 different less expensive ones). No question about my preference for a phone with the Kindle app. Kindle's white screen is still glaring (to me) -- especially in a dark...
  14. RichPB (richlife)

    Happy first day of summer!

    Yeah, looking forward to those "longer, warmer" days in Jan/Feb. -- sign me Summer Guy.
  15. RichPB (richlife)

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    So I finished The Oregon Trail last night. Reminder: It's about a 2011 wagon/mule trip across the old Oregon Trail. Excellent read -- especially if you have the sense of adventure to think you might want to do that yourself. This may disabuse you! Now I'm moving on to Mark Twain' s Roughing...

