Spirit Il E-310 - new grill - burners sputtering and popping



New member
I've just bought the Spirit || E-310 brand new, and used it for the first time today.

The burners don't seem to burn nicely - there is a lot of sputtering with the flames dancing and lifting, and occasionally burner 1 will pop and go out for a second before lighting again.


I've tried it with another full gas bottle with same effect, so don't think it's related to low gas. The regulator is the one that came on it new.

Any ideas what might be causing this?
It sounds like a regulator - maybe it tripped

Without assuming anything, start again.

Make sure your grills label indicates the right gas which should be LP - Liquid Propane

Take a look at the burners and crossburner tube. They should be straight and kind of “float” for expansion.

Disconnect the propane tank and turn off all the burners.

Reconnect the propane tank

Slowly open the valve on the tank to fill the system with propane while the grill valves are off. 1 to 2 minutes should be ok.

Slowly open the leftmost tube with the ignition turning to high.

Iginite the leftmost burner. Open the center burner to high, then the rightmost.
Also - the flavor bars in place will tend to tame the unruly flames once they heat up..... I've seen this behavior a couple of times without them.
I will admit that looks a bit extreme tho. Does it still behave as badly with the bars in place?
Yes, even with everything in place and the lid closed it still sounds a bit fierce.

It was the popping and burner extinguishing that felt a bit strange really - you can here it still doing it even once it’s been running a while and the lid is closed.
They all seem to do it. Not sure why. Recall too on my dad's grill (old Genesis 2000) when I bought new burners for it, they did it as well. Then, as they got age on them began toning down
Thanks for all the tips everyone.

I had a go at playing with the air intakes, and it did seem that reducing the air slightly reduced the sputtering a little and does seem to have stopped the first burner from going out.

Not sure if the balance looks better now - but will run with it and see how it goes!

