Search results

  1. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Three Questions for Bacon Makin'

    I am pretty happy with the bacon we have been curing and smoking. I use my own rub that Martin helped me work out. The cure is basically maple sugar, salt, and pink salt #1. We add some flavorings when curing but often just do a straight cure and a hickory smoke. But I am curious about...
  2. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    PizzaKettle - Wood Fired Pizza on the Weber

    I bought a Pizza Kettle insert for my 22.5 OTG Weber Kettle Grill. They have since redesigned the unit, moving the thermometer to the side and lowering the top by 20%. However, I like my older version a lot now that I've had a chance to use it. I made a couple of newbie errors and need to...
  3. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Fiddy/Fiddy Burger Question

    The Fiddy/Fiddy or 50/50 for those with better diction, is a blend of ground beef and ground bacon. Normally, I'd ask this over in the grilling section, but since I am dealing with bacon, I wanted to get your guys opinions. What temperature should I cook these to? I sure can't do the rare...
  4. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Black Bean - Refried/Dip

    This is a "from scratch" recipe. We made it for burrito night a couple of days ago and then did a second batch since we had left over beans today. They were great as part of smoked "pulled pork/carnitas" burrito, with "Mexican rice", sour cream, shredded cheddar, and homemade tortillas. It...
  5. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Emulisfying with a Stand Mixer?

    I've been enjoying Ruhlman & Polcyn's Charcuterie, though I understand some of the recipes are a bit unbalanced, according to knowledgeable authorities here and elsewhere. In my sausage quest, particularly the hotdog portion of that quest, I was pleasantly surprised to find that you can...
  6. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Flippin' Turkey!

    I made a couple of turkeys for Thanksgiving using my Weber 22.5 OTG and a Smokenator insert. They came out okay, the second being distinctly superior. But what grabbed my attention was the two rib racks I used. I had bought them after reading discussion here, thinking I could use them for...
  7. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    This Little Doggy On The Webber

    The filling for hotdogs is a bit strange before stuffing. Here it is Philippine beef and some pork fat. My first try for stuffing a casing. I need a lot more practice! Here are the hotdogs filled, sorry hands were full during the actual stuffing, so no photos there. A few air pockets...
  8. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Chick-Fil-A Kinda Weber, Kinda Not

    So we've been experimenting with the Serious Eats recipe for homemade Chick-Fil-A style chicken sandwiches. Prior to the finishing deep fry, I'm going to cook the breaded breasts on Weber. High temp to finish, or almost finish the breast meat prior to deep frying. My wife prefers almost...
  9. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Magnum Mini-WSM

    This may be old news here, but it is new to me ... the Smokey Joe being turned into not just a mini-wsm, but a mini-magnum wsm! The project is in progress over at BBQ Brethren and might interest some of the mini-wsm folks. The guy is doing two kettles instead of one and going for a third, all...
  10. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry?

    Well, I'm a newbie at smoking to be sure. And right now my favorite thing to smoke is bacon, followed closely by cured pork chops. And I did some of both today. Normally I give my bacon a few hours at least in the fridge to form a pellicle. Sometimes I am in a hurry and I cheat a bit by...
  11. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Sodium Erythorbate - Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

    An ingredient I am considering for occasional use is sodium erythorbate, which is used in some sausages and supposedly allows for a much shorter brine time, as little as 24 hours for bacon and hams that are to be smoked. While a longer brine time is not a particular problem for me, a fast brine...
  12. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Pizza Kettle/Weber BBQ - Serious Eats Hack

    The Pizza Kettle is made for the Weber 22.5 inch kettle. Serious Eats reviewed sometime back and gave it a so-so rating. But they have since revisited it with some homemade upgrades. These are exactly the same upgrades I had discussed in a couple of other forums, it is a bit like they are in...
  13. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Amesphos - Phosphates in the Brine?

    I picked up some Amesphos with the idea of making my own hotdogs in the not too distant future. I'm just waiting for some casings to arrive from Australia. I was making a brine to do a homemade version of Chick-Fil-A chicken breast sandwiches. And I'd read about the Amesphos being good for...
  14. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Smokey Joe Ivory?

    So I'm browsing eBay and I run across this Smokey Joe Premium for sale in the UK and Europe, color Ivory. I start looking for them in the States and nothing. Am I just missing them when I search or are the Ivory Smokey Joe's limited to Europe? Photo below from a UK dealer.
  15. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Melty Cheese Slices

    Here in the Philippines, all cheese is imported and the selection is limited. While cheese slices are available, they are small, very thin, and not particularly tasty. Luckily we have some great Australian imported cheeses to play with. Over at the Serious Eats website, I ran into a recipe...
  16. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Morton Tender Quick for Bacon?

    I have a small amount of Morton Tender Quick (MTQ) a friend brought over from the States. I have a much larger package of Cure #1 on the way. So I thought I'd try to make my own MTQ here. But one thing puzzled me about using the MTQ for bacon. It has both Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate...
  17. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Rolled Bacon

    I am new to making bacon and have made it three times, the last two included smoking it on my Weber and Smokenator setup. My last purchase of pork bellies included three that had bones or cartilage in them. When we trimmed that out, the bellies were too thin for standard shaped bacon. So...
  18. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Cured and Smoked Pork Chops - Cure Question

    I tried these for the first time last weekend. The recipe was from an ancient post in a different post. It involved Morton Tender Quick, a quart or so of water, wet cure for 24 hours, then smoke. My success was between okay and marginal. They were a bit too dry. The flavor is good, sort of...
  19. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Extension Ring from 55 gallon drum?

    Anyone ever made an extension ring for your Weber 22.5 kettle grill out of a 55 gallon drum? I see folks making UDS smokers and using 22.5 parts for the top and less often, the bottom. What I really want is a 12 inch or 18 inch so I can add a couple more grates, or drape sausage or bacon in...
  20. Steve_A (Tatoosh)

    Prague #1 or #2 substitution?

    I'm in the Philippines and I have a locally purchased package of Prague Powder. That is all the label says. Prague Powder 250 grams to be exact. So if it is #2, can I use it for making bacon? I know most of the recipes call for Prague Powder #1. The #2 has Sodium Nitrate in it for air dried...

