Search results

  1. James Lake

    Spanish-Style Pork Kabobs

    I did this cook on Sunday I have to say everyone was pleased. Ready to pull from the grill [/URL][/IMG] Plated with an apple tarragon slaw that was prepared by the Lady of the House [/URL][/IMG] Friday night...
  2. James Lake

    Why you should always pay to have the store assemble

    I have put several kettles together and never knew that I was doing it wrong until I saw this one assembled in the store. [/URL][/IMG]
  3. James Lake

    Grilling Gadget - Slot Dog

    Has anyone tried this? I'm interested.
  4. James Lake

    Grilled Stuffed Avocados....Weber Recipe

    I saw this Weber Recipe and I thought I would give it a go. Avocados ready to hit the grill....I should have cut the peppers smaller [/URL][/IMG] I'm using the gasser today for such a short cook [/URL][/IMG] After 25 minutes at 250 I added the cheese, I also took the liberty of adding some...
  5. James Lake

    "Pig Claws" just in time for the game

    I have always been jealous of Harry Soo's onion rings and I have made a few attempts of wrapping bacon around an onion ring, but they never looked that good. So I have the idea of taking an onion and just cutting it into wedges. [/URL][/IMG] Which is much easier to wrap in bacon. I used thin...
  6. James Lake

    New burger....Rat burger that is

    Who's in?
  7. James Lake

    Steak n Potatoes kind of day

    No pig was cooked today [/URL][/IMG] The new grill area is finally finished which we have named "The briQhouse" This new addition to the backyard has been in the works for awhile as I received this rug last Christmas [/URL][/IMG] A gift from my beautiful sweetheart Picked up some aged rib...
  8. James Lake

    New Pork Loin Sammies

    From the book New American Barbecue by Jamie Purviance Pork Loin taking a day bath 45 minutes prior to hitting the grill [/URL][/IMG] After the flip...using wine barrel for the smoke. Everything looks smaller on the 26er [/URL][/IMG] Pork Loins done and building the sammies: Bottom Bun...
  9. James Lake

    Labor Day Cook

    Still haven't got moved into the new area [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] Dang my lawn looks like crap [/URL][/IMG] My sweetheart still gets to keep her gasser on the patio [/URL][/IMG] Starting the cook off with Roti Ribs and use the Root beer Bourbon glaze on them, we have become addicted to...
  10. James Lake

    New BBQ Area and Pulled Pork Sammies

    The Lady of the house AKA the Love of my life wanted me to have a new BBQ Pit area so that I don't have to all of my Kettles on the Patio. I came home Friday night to find my new pit area. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] Pretty sweet's a pit where I can BBQ so a BBQ pit. I was able to...
  11. James Lake

    Rotisserie Spareribs with Root Beer - Bourbon Glaze

    If you haven't purchased the Weber's New American Barbecue this post just might convince you otherwise. Two racks of spareribs cooked to perfection in just 2.5 hour and the flavor profile is like no rib you've had yet. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] I did get some bark on these ribs [/URL][/IMG]...
  12. James Lake

    Wine Country Big Q

    Just purchased my tickets for the Wine Country Big Q on 7/9/16. I'm just there to eat some good food and drink some good brew. Who is all going I would like to connect with some member of the forum.
  13. James Lake

    National Donut Day....Grill them if you got them

    I did this cook last weekend. Fire-roasted strawberries A Weber recipe [/URL][/IMG] Day old Glazed Donuts, cut in half and buttered the cut side. Don't grill the glazed side. [/URL][/IMG] And dessert, I did get some nice grill marks on these and really tasty! [/URL][/IMG]
  14. James Lake

    Chops Smoked n Grilled

    Started out the day in the shade of the neighbor's 25 year old oak tree. [/URL][/IMG] Made a BBQ sauce earlier in the day for these 1.5 inch chops that I got at the butcher shop on Friday. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] The cook is to smoke the chops on the 26er at 350 for about 40 minutes until...
  15. James Lake

    Roast Pork Loin with Blood Orange Mostarda

    I think I remember how to cook (you all can be the judge) but I'm not sure if I remember how to post, it been awhile, but I have been checking in on everyone. First....the recipe from Food Network. A four pound boneless pork loin roast, it's been awhile since I've tied a roast [/URL][/IMG]...
  16. James Lake

    Wood Storage needed

    I have the opportunity to pickup 1/2 a cord of wood, 1/4 Cherry and 1/4 Apple. The question I have is how long will this wood stay useable and how does everyone store the wood to avoid insects getting into the wood. I would purchase a firewood rack and possibly a cover. Any input would be...
  17. James Lake

    Soda-Brined Pork Loin with Cherry Chipotle Glaze

    A recipe from the Weber's WAY TO GRILL Book The pup was ready to go to the butcher this morning. [/URL][/IMG] I got to the butcher and they were advertising "ground camel"....yes...I passed on that. Bought a pork loin just shy of 4 pounds. Brined the loin in Dr Pepper soda and K-salt for...
  18. James Lake

    Best Time to cook Pulled Pork

    I've decided that the best time to make pulled pork is over night when you're sleeping [/URL][/IMG] I started with two butts for a total of 10 pounds [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] I rubbed the butts and put them on fours hours before bed. When I woke up the WSM was holding at 235 and the butts...
  19. James Lake

    "New" 26er off of CL

    I was pursing cl the other day and came across a Weber 26er for $200.00 so I couldn't pass that up. I contacted the seller and offered $150.00, it took him awhile but he finally accepted and all of the sudden all of this was in the back of my truck as I drove away [/URL][/IMG] I was excited...
  20. James Lake

    Grilled Fish, 2 vintage grills and a NEW PUPPY

    I can't remember the last time that I've posted, life has changed a little at the moment I'm basically working two full time jobs at the moment. The organization that I had been working for closed, so I'm helping them wrapped everything down and I've also started working for a new company both...

