Rich G's latest activity

  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Bob Erdman's post in the thread Pork shoulder weekend. with Love Love.
    I've never used the directions, think this is the first or second time I even looked at them actually. In the stall now, sitting at...
  • Rich G
    We all have stories of the grills that we have been subjected to at a vacation rental. Condition, brand, cleanliness, no grill at all...
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  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Andy Kaminski's post in the thread All nighter cook with Wow Wow.
    Well needless to say, So far this has been a very exciting cook. We were treated to a big fireworks show off in the distance from the...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Andy Kaminski's post in the thread All nighter cook with Like Like.
    Been a while since I ran an all nighter cook. I’ve only done them on my kettle with a snake and this is my first time on a wsm. The cook...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Andy Kaminski's post in the thread Chicken fried rice with Like Like.
    We had some friends over and fried rice was on the menu. Turned out very good and light on the tummy.
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to JeffG's post in the thread Thrift Store Find with Like Like.
    That’s a beauty. I can see a version of this waffle burger in your future
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Michael Richards's post in the thread Thrift Store Find with Like Like.
    Was doing some thrift shopping with the family yesterday and came across this guy for $35!!!! I grabbed it up, I was not leaving without...
  • Rich G
    Rich G replied to the thread Thrift Store Find.
    I like waffles!!
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Bruno's post in the thread S6 is here. with Like Like.
    Is it Saturday yet? My plan is to build it this Saturday morning with some fresh coffee. Going to make some kebabs for Mother’s Day.
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to timothy's post in the thread Grilled Mississippi chicken with Love Love.
    If you like Mississippi pot roast, you'll like this. Some bnls/sknls thighs marinated over nite with Evo, ranch dressing (powder) a...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Shawn W's post in the thread 90 Minute BB Ribs with Love Love.
    Rich Dahl recently asked for a way to cook ribs faster and without foil wrapping in this thread...
  • Rich G
    Rich G replied to the thread It's pizza time!!!.
    I'm in the same boat, Michael! Then again, with what a take out pizza costs these days, it's a win/win to make your own.....just need a...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Michael Richards's post in the thread It's pizza time!!! with Haha Haha.
    Rich, I have to share, one of the unintended consequences of following you guidances with learning to make pizza is that it had made it...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to Michael Richards's post in the thread It's pizza time!!! with Like Like.
    Tony, I use this recipe from @Rich G. I made the dough on Sunday night and then made the pies last night. Most times it gets a one day...
  • Rich G
    Rich G reacted to timothy's post in the thread Jerk thighs and cabbage with Love Love.
    5 thighs marinated in walkerswood mild for 5 hrs. On the performer with cowboy briqs and a chunk of ash for 45 mins, flipped once. Small...

