Recent content by Jose Suro

  1. Jose Suro

    A few E6 cooks

    Excellent! Very high quality images to boot! Well done!
  2. Jose Suro

    Cottage for the week

    I am SO JEALOUS! Beautiful place!
  3. Jose Suro

    Pork Steak on the Gasser Best Yet

    Prayers for Barb. I wouldn't have gotten motivated to cook. You did very well...
  4. Jose Suro

    ATK Ball Park Sausage and Peppers

    Hi All, Last night we went with something casual, ATK (America's Test Kitchen) recipe for ball park sausage and peppers. It's very good and has become a repeater for us. I will post the video for the recipe at the end. The images here show the grill steps. The microwave softened onion an...
  5. Jose Suro

    Labor Day - Vortex Chicken Thighs "Naked"

    Hi All, As mentioned in another post we went to the Vortex tonight with smoked, naked, super crispy chicken thighs for dinner. So, here are the pics. Blue Smoke - very important! We used Pecan chunk tonight. 25-minutes later and flipped. Notice we always start skin down on the vortex, lest...
  6. Jose Suro

    Sunday night Labor Day weekend St Louis Ribs

    Cook looks great!! The Mac N Cheese made me drool :p.
  7. Jose Suro

    Spare Ribs with applewood and B&B charlogs

    That last picture is the winner! They look mouth watering! Best, Jose
  8. Jose Suro

    Sunday night Labor Day weekend NY strip steaks

    Excellent Chris. Perfect grill marks and mahogany color, plus perfectly done MR!
  9. Jose Suro

    What’s everyone…

    This might change but we are planning on Vortex smoked "naked" chicken thighs. No BBQ sauce. Done them before and they were the crispiest thighs ever - super juicy inside. Pic Below:
  10. Jose Suro

    Wok round one.

    Did you cure yours in the oven before the first cook? I did and have never had a problem with sticking....
  11. Jose Suro

    Wok round one.

    When you have leftovers, specially rice, it's time to go to the next level... Fried rice!
  12. Jose Suro

    Wok round one.

    Congrats on your first cook! You seem to know how to work these things. A Natural. The cook looks Awesome, now pass the soy sauce :p.
  13. Jose Suro

    Simple Anniversary Dinner

    I care. Why? I'm a person that honors my commitments. I welcome that. Same thing here with steaks. She's medium, I'm "walked slowly through a warm kitchen" :p. We compromised for this cook and went medium rare....
  14. Jose Suro

    Labor Day Recipes....

    I have my Labor Day Grilling covered but in case you don't here are 23 recipes most involving a grill. Overall pretty decent site as well. 23 Labor Day Main Dish Recipes
  15. Jose Suro

    When it Rains it Pours

    Gorgeous finish on those. Excellent cook!

